I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Days to a school reunion

My secondary school friends and I rarely do this. It's not an annual event. The last time we met (which was the first time for most of us after we left school) was about 3 years ago. There were many faces I couldn't recognise because I left the school after SRP to go to a boarding school in Seremban (and made one of my life's biggest regrets).

The first gathering was suggested and organised by one of them. This second one was my idea. And a simple one. I suggested we meet up for hi-tea somewhere in KL, thinking since it involved no cooking on our part, it would be widely accepted. But no, they wanted a 'simpler' reunion.

Which is a day at the park, so the children will have the space to run around while the parents yap about what they've become post the first reunion. I'm OK with it, and so does many others. I'd rather not argue about such petty thing. Better save the energy for more important matters (like what is going on with the government nowadays and the current floods situation). But of course, they are a few others who don't think like me. Better let them be. The majority wins principle applies here.

Let's just see what happens next.

Remembering the old days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My God,
It's Richard Marx.

I am a sucker for lagu lagu lama. Been digging youtube for all those old singers ie Tommy Page, All 4 One ...

Cheers for putting it up.

- marini -