I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Paham-paham sudahlah

La la la
Ha…pening kepala…
Memikirkan tak ada kerja..
Dalam anggun pilu ditohmah
Ah gantung dirimu saja

Ooo, lega rasanya….
Jadi kerja pegawai pemasaran..
Di Pertama…
Rupa oh rupa2 nya…
Kerjaan saja…

*La la la
Hari hari kerja..
La la la
Bosan dengan kerja
La la la
Hidup harus kerja…kerja…

Tak puas lagi beradu…mengantuk~…
Subuh hingga senja…
Hari hari sama saja…

Ahh..nak bancuh kopi..
Tapi gulanya tak ada…
Minum saja…
Kerja bagai nak gila..
Sama sahaja…

Gelisah..ku gelisah..
Mengenangkan masa depan…
Ku harus kerja..
Ohhh mesti kerja..
Tiada ada apa yg percuma…
Jika tiada kerja..
Ohhh, papa kedana…

Happy Making Other People Rich...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Makan Besar Untuk Tambah Besar

Weekend was eventful. Ada farewell dinner yang menyaksikan mak buyung number one menari poco-poco hahahah. Pastu hari Ahad ada plak pi karaoke, melepaskan perasaan dengan mensumbangkan lagu-lagu rock kapak, oldies and evergreen. Sambil menikmati muffin air tangan kawan lama yang baru ketemu.

Yang paling best adalah penutup pada malam Ahad tu apabila setelah bersusah payah mengemas meja di ofis (banyak lagi yang tak dikemas), adalah late dinner dengan Encik Rosdi, kawan lama yang amat lama tak bertemu, yang ketika itu dan mungkin ketika blog ini ditulis dalam keadaan kurang sihat dan kurang gembira. Best sebab akhirnya dapat jumpa orangnya setelah berbulan-bulan dan juga sebab dia ada bake cake chocolate yang antara ramuannya adalah whipped cream instead of fresh milk. Kudos to Milo kerana cadangan bernas itu.

So lengkaplah hujung minggu saya dengan makanan yang amat tinggi kalorinya, durian, vanilla blueberry and chocolate muffins, chocolate cake, marble cake, grilled chicken, ayam rendang, daging kicap, nasi tambah, soto ayam, roti jala, caramel pudding, teh tarik.

Ramai kawan menggalakkan saya makan selagi boleh, tak perlu pantang-pantang memandangkan semasa orang ramai bersukaria makan semasa Hari Raya sehinggakan lupa anak, isteri, suami dan dunia, saya perlu mendisplinkan diri makan ikan masak pindang hari-hari. Pengorbanan yang perlu dilakukan. Kecil sangat pun.

Sekarang kepala ada pening-pening. Overdose on high cal food la tu.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happiness is in our hands...

Six months after marrying John C.Maxwell, Margaret Maxwell knew that her husband wasn’t going to make her happy. She found out that the only person that could make her happy was herself and that her husband can add immeasurably to that.

That got me into thinking. When we put our happiness in someone else’s hands, instead of taking full control of it, we will definitely be frustrated. Happiness is individual, what makes me happy, doesn’t necessarily make others happy.

When we depend on others to give us happiness, and we don’t feel happy, the blaming game starts. Trust me. I have first hand experience in this. Instead of working out to find that happiness together, I blame him for not doubling the effort to MAKE SURE I am happy. How can I be so profoundly dumb? He has set a big picture for us, all I need to do is to trust him and work with him to make that our reality.

I know I’m not the only person who thinks that my happiness is determined to whom I marry or associate myself with. I seriously think that it’s high time that we change that thought and decide that happiness is in our own hands. And let’s go from there. Let's work with your spouses to find your happiness together.

It’s not too late. It’s never to late to strive for the better. Don’t tell yourself you’re too old for this, or too set in your ways or too deep in shit. Have faith and have confidence in yourself.

“The mind is an enormously powerful machine; it has a remarkable capacity to convince us of whatever we want to believe.” – Erik Weihenmayer, the world’s leading blind athlete and the only blind person in history to reach the world’s seven summits.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


While eating lunch at Kakak Cantik’s stall, we were entertained by songs played on the radio. Over the course of the simple meal that we had, we listened to three old Malay singers crooning about three things 'meradang, 'merayu' and merajuk'. The first one is full of advice for those who is short tempered.

I bet if we stayed longer I’ll run amok and told Amir not to beg me to cool down or else I’ll run into a corner and sulk. It’s that all we’re capable of? Meradang, merayu, merajuk? Maybe these are the 3Ms the government had wanted to instil in us when we were innocent children kot?

Through what little experience I have in this challenging business, I’ve met people with those so called traits. I was once like them, so there’s empathy there, which make it easier for me to break their thick heads. So, layankan aje.

Learning never stops. For those who have stopped learning, life has nothing else to offer them, and when things don’t go their way they meradang, merayu or merajuk. Or all three. I know it is frustrating but if we don’t learn from all the challenges that life has thrown before us, what’s the point living? I’m no expert but as I said what little experience I have, I try to draw lessons from it for others and myself.

We should never stop learning. We should never put out that fire. We should never shut ourselves off from reality. We should always see ourselves as coming out victorious from the overwhelming tribulations in our lives. We should continue living as passionate people demanding more and more out of life. We should never, ever give up.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Reaksi Terhadap Situasi

Pemerhatian yang dilakukan dalam masa beberapa hari ini:

Kita selalu rasa masalah kita paling berat, kita yang paling susah, tapi kalau kita tak terlalu taksub dengan masalah sendiri, mungkin kita diberikan peluang untuk mengenali mereka yang lebih susah daripada kita. Itu yang dipelajari dalam masa hanya beberapa hari ini. Perasaan yang hidup sendiri terlalu susah, tapi sebenarnya ada yang jauh lebih sukar hidupnya. Insaf…

Susah sebab kereta/rumah tak dapat dibayar selama 3 bulan, ada orang kereta dah ditarik, rumah hampir setahun tak berbayar.

Susah sebab tak dapat makan sedap, cuma mee goreng dengan teh o aja, ada orang makan bubur kosong dengan bawang hari-hari.

Susah sebab duit yang ada ngam2 untuk minyak pergi balik, ada orang duit untuk minyak pun dah tak der langsung dah.

Susah sebab keluarga yang ada tak berapa nak bagi sokongan, ada orang sampai dihalau oleh keluarga sendiri sebab tak berduit.

Susah sebab hanya dapat beli baju dua helai aja kat Giant, ada orang beli 2 helai baju bundle berharga RM5 di pasar malam untuk bulan ini.

Susah sebab tak dapat bayar duit parking, orang lain ada yang satu teh tarik kongsi dua orang.

Susah sebab dalam ASB ada RM100 aje, orang lain tinggal RM1.

Apa yang diperhatikan sekeliling, pengalaman rakan-rakan ini, kalau susah, orang-orang terdekat akan cabut lari terlebih dahulu, sebab tak nak disusahkan oleh manusia yang susah ini. Tapi itulah sifat orang-orang kan? Orang-orang mana ada hati atau jantung atau perasaan. Hidupnya mati.

Pendapat penulis, manusia itu lebih mulia tarafnya kerana walaupun dalam keadaan yang rumit, mereka masih berkehendak dan berusaha untuk membebaskan diri daripada belenggu kesulitan itu. Orang-orang? Duk keras dengan harapan dapat menakutkan burung-burung daripada memakan padi tuannya.

A... o...
Biskut rendam kopi o...A... o...
Jangan kecoh
Naik bukit kasi pelan pelan kayuh
Baru ngam ho
Orang panggil hero
Lu hebat ada hebat lagi
Lu ligat adaligat lagi
Boleh untung mesti boleh rugi
Takut kalah jangan main judiA...
a...A... o...
Biskut rendam kopi oA... o...
Jangan kecoh
Naik bukit kasi pelan pelan kayuh
Baru ngam ho orang panggil hero
Lu kaya ada kaya lagi
Lu lawa ada lawa lagi
Ada mawar mesti ada duri
Takut sakit baik pergi mati

p/s tengah baca Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do