I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fixing Me...

A wise man keeps telling me that I should not look for how good a bitching one can do when looking for friends. A circle of friends should encourage, motivate and inspire each other to do good. Bitching about other bitches or your spouses, bosses, the neighbours and their cats, those sorry bastards of men, or the government will not do.

Of which almost everybody know it won’t. But we still keep at it. Because is so finger licking good! It makes us feel like we are the gods and the goddesses who are perfect in every way and that those that we bitched are mere mortal who are way below our stations.

It all boils down to instant gratification. Talking bad about someone feels good on the surface but it still does not solve anything. The problem lingers. And when I look in the mirror the problem is staring back at me, puffy eyed and all. (dan aku perasan orang yg mcm baik2 ni yg suka buat kerja ni, yg ala2 pompuan melayu terakhir- aku cakap pasal aku tu muahahaha)

It has existed as long as I remember. And it will take a very long time to fix. But I do want to fix it. I know it’s fixable. I’ll start by thinking good things about others.

Jom sama-sama!

Ha yang ni memang cannot be fixed…

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Flu Clue

Belasah je tajuk tu. Dah dekat-dekat ni dapat lelehen hingusan dan kehangatan muka pulak. Dugaan betul. Dugaan juga sebab tak dapat puasa seperti yang dicita-citakan. Cabaran untuk menggantinya pula.

Pergi ke Tangkak untuk bertemu kawan Hajah yang meriah orangnya. Singgah rumah sepupu Amir yang tak kurang meriah juga. Alhamdulillah dapat makan yang sangat meriah bersama-sama anak buah yang sama usia dengan kami. Heheh..Ada cucu dah aku..sorang cucu menegur 'kebesaran" perut aku. 'Eh eh besarnya" dengan mata bulat. Hahaha kelakar. Umur baru 5-6 tahun kot.

Meriah memang meriah.

Sekarang sedang aktif mencari rendang, ketupat, lemang, lontong. Pendek kata makanan masa Raya. Nak pulun siap-siap.

Selamat, selamat semuanya...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Blue View

The sight of a thick book excites me. For me the thicker the better. It means there are a lot more words I need to learn and digest. Yes, people are entitled to several weirdness in their life. This is one of mine.

At the moment I'm reading Sherlock Holmes, the complete stories. I got goose bumps just thinking about it hahahah. Hope I will be able to finish it before I go into labour, which is at the end of the month. Still got time kan?

I wish I have these blue people's creativities...