I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Is That It?

Have you heard the hullabaloo on the latest cowardice attack on Islam and Muslims? Yup, the ‘Fitna’ movie by Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician (not again!). Another Dutch politician, a Muslim herself, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, collaborated with Theo Van Gogh on a film entitled ‘Submission’ that tells of a skewed perception of how Muslim women are treated in SOMALIA. The film was derived from Ayaan’s experience, growing up as a Muslim woman in SOMALIA.

I feel the need to emphasise that Islam is a simple religion where it requires not extremism from its followers but moderation. But as it is with other religions in the world, there tend to be fundamentalists and extremists among their devotees. In the Da Vinci Code we are introduced to an albino monk who seems to exist on self-flagellations. To be fair, we have that kind of practice, which is NOT REQUIRED by Islam, among the Syiah Muslims.

I don’t understand the need of people like Geert Wilders to ‘show the world’ how terrible Islam is. I mean, it’s like they are trying too hard don’t you think?

Having said that, I also don’t understand, after so many attacks on Islam and Muslim around the world by people like Geert Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, we Muslims still don’t learn a thing. Don’t you get it? Don’t you see what they are trying to do? Do I have to spell it out for you? Islam encourages pursuit of education from cradle to the grave, but WHY are we so thick as to be blinded by this?

Because of the act of some stupid ass, Islam is easy target now and again. (Tu lah orang suruh belajar, malas, bila kata bodoh, marah pulak…but this is another story, another entry. And again to be fair, the esteemed graduands have their blonde moments too. Belajar bukan kat universiti jek dik eh, mana-mana pun boleh belajar asal kepala hotak tu tak tertutup tepu)

By the way, it’s clear why Geert Wilders made that film. Watch it and you’ll now why. (youtube la, mana lagik)

When everything is taken out of context, nothing good will come out of it.

p/s I have sooooo much to say. Jangan terasa. Kalau terasa, nak buat apa? a) MERAJUK b) MENGAMUK c) MATI


Oleh admin Bebas Malaysia said...

Ganaz.....X sangka kak Murni nih Rebellist jugak oghangnya...huhuhu.....Bersetuju jugak dengan pdapat kak Murni...HUHU..Kadangkala kita Melayu nih sensitiviti tinggi, macam saya..Hehehehe...

Moon said...

Adei sensitif atas perkara yang tak sepatutnya mmg tak patut...Buang masa n tenaga jek.