I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

We Were Bangsarians

For the past week I've been receiving updates from my Sekolah Menengah Bangsar mates. I only spent three years there, but I've known most of them since my primary years.

Let me tell you something about me back then. I wasn't popular, but people know me because I was this ridiculously strict Head Prefect. I'm not proud of myself back then. I thought being 'garang' was a good way to earn respect. Well it was not the way and it is still not the way.

So by virtue of being a Head Prefect who was trying too hard, many of the mates know me. Me being me, (I have difficulty in remembering names and faces), can't recognise many of them now. But I'm elated that these friends are so ever ready to welcome me back into their fold.

I left the school after From 3, and when there's a gathering of some sort, I always feel I don't belong. I wasn't friendly to start with, and leaving the school after three years didn't help either. Because of that, I feel the need to start over, getting reacquainted with these childhood friends.

I may not have many memories to reminisce with all of them, but I do hope that they are willing to forge new ones, despite our busy schedules, so that we can reminisce them with our generation in the years to come.

For these special friends, I thank you.

p/s After seeing this photo, Amir asked this "Kenapa you mcm tak suka life?". It was scorching hot la..that's why I made that face.


Anonymous said...

I prefer the one in Facebook, uploaded by Mahaniza. God, we were so tiny, and naive, and innocent !

I am still looking at the pics, and surprisingly, I can still remember thier names correctly !.

Husband was like " is that you ? Oh My God ? ".


Moon said...

hehhe..yup..I got that Oh My God remark also from Amir..mcm la dorang masa kecik2 hensem..

Anonymous said...

Kau yang pakai tudung duduk 3 from kiri Cikgu eh? Hehehe.. am sure u didn't like life then Moon. Sebab ko Head Prefect yang Garang.. Eh.. ko head prefect eh? Perrgghhh.. Kelas!