I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

What Do I Get In Return?

One damn good question when one wants to pursue any new venture. Nobody willingly accept failures, right?. If I'm right, don't hate me (but don't hesitate if you want to), if you think I'm wrong, go ahead smirk, but allow me to smile. Because I know people who readily admit defeat, after putting a lame fight.

When embarking on new ventures, please look beyond the monetary aspect. At this time and age, we are so in need of a strong self that money, though very important, can never outweigh the search for a better self. In order to win the challenges that life throws into my path, I need to have a stronghold of values.

Yes, my elders have done their job in laying a good foundation but it's now up to me to make it better. I've realised I was always aiming for a comfortable life, great partner (this I know I have :D), wonderful friends (and these), good career etc but never wanting a good self, thinking having those mentioned will make me a good person. What I learnt these few months really put that thought to shame.

How can I think such shallow thoughts? Because that's what have been drummed into my head since forever? To change how my mind thinks is no easy feat and I'm very sure I wouldn't want to think and act differently if it's not for the self help talks and books I've been attending and reading or for the real life experiences shared by the new friends I've met. This wonderful venture allows me rethink alot of things.

Yes, that initial question is an all important question. In return I've got more than a considerable amount of money.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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