I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Larger Than Life

Wuhuuu..ok this is a real accomplishment. And ok I admit that he has influenced me in more ways than I'd like to admit. But all in a good way. I've started buying books AND reading them again. For before this, I bought books only to discover them hidden away 3 months later and wondered who's books were those. Now, a trip to the bookstore is a must whenever I feel, what's the word MG, obtuse? Which is well, quite often. Now I'm starting to think and dream bigger than myself. We all should.

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