I want more of that health, I want more of that wealth, I want more of that patience, I want more of that intelligence, I want more of that creativity, I want more of that laughter, I want more of that energy, I want more of life, I know it can give me that, I am in the process of getting them.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Kerja Kerajaan Selamat

I had the privilege of making acquaintance with an old makcik today. Five minutes into the conversation I knew that she has three children, her husband passed on a year ago on the 15 of Ramadhan, that she never worked before even when she was an anak dara, that her daughter in law just gave birth to a baby girl on the 31st of August and that she made sure all her children 'kerja kerajaan' or marry someone who 'kerja kerajaan' because 'kerja kerajaan selamat sebab ada pencen'.

Now, I was previously 'kerja kerajaan' (semi-government actually but yeah the mentality and the works all scream 'kerajaan') but never, ever felt safe. Was it just a feeling? But then if it's safe, why is the aforementioned makcik has to work now (she's 56) when she has never worked before?

I've got nothing against employment, but can we stop thinking that other people (in this case the employer) is responsible with our life? Macam tak best je pikir camtu eh?


MR.KUMAR said...

:) well...thanks for the link kak.. and juga untuk pujian tentang bahasa saya.. BTW, mendiang ayah saya pun befikiran macam tu jugak.. kerja kerajaan selamat..tapi for me i dont think that way.. saya mengejar cita-cita bukan kesenangan. kalau kita buat apa yang kita suka..kita akan senang dengan kerjaya itu. saya pelik tengok kadang-kadang ada yang lalai dalam menegjar kesenangan tapi korbankan benda yang disukai.So, for now.. im happy to be a journalist and hope that this happiness will be with me for a long time. :)

Moon said...

hello kumar..menyukai apa yg kita buat mmg penting..tapi kadang2 kita perlu buat benda yg kita tak suka untuk dapatkan benda yang kita suka..contoh..sapa yg suka pi sekolah bangun pepagi, dalam kelas kadang2 tersengguk2, cikgu ada yg boring, garang dsbnya..tapi kenapa kita still pi sekolah? sbb nak dptkan ilmu, atau sijil atau apa2lah yg kita nak..so banyak benda dalam dunia ni tak semestinya hitam dan putih..byk juga yg kaler kelabu..

Oleh admin Bebas Malaysia said...

;) tak faham sgt kat sini..


Amiruddin Karim said...

rasanya dia tak paham perbezaan antara hidup selesa dengan hidup selamat 'nyawa-nyawa tapir'..

eh.. nyawa-nyawa ikan.